Your Voice Matters! How and Why to Get to the Polls and Make Your Voice Heard!

 First, some background. The text below is from a recent post on the Frank - No Mustard YouTube channel (Hi!)!

Hey, you.

Yes, you!

Right now, you have the power to shape the future of this country. In a few weeks, millions of us will be heading to the polls for one of the most important elections in our lifetime. And your voice? It can change everything.

We’re living in a time when decisions made at the ballot box will directly affect us for years to come. The stakes? Higher than ever.

Topic 1: Women’s Rights and Reproductive Healthcare

First, let’s talk about women's rights. Access to reproductive healthcare is on the line. In many states, decisions about what women can or can’t do with their own bodies are being decided by lawmakers—people who may not understand or care about the realities women face. This election will determine whether we protect those rights or allow them to be stripped away. It’s about the right to choose. It’s about privacy. And it's about dignity. If we don’t vote, we risk losing decades of progress.

Your vote could be the difference. It could ensure that women have the freedom to make their own decisions about their health and their future.

Topic 2: Reducing Economic Inequality

Economic inequality is a reality we can’t ignore. Many of us are working two, even three jobs, and still struggling to pay rent, buy groceries, and cover healthcare costs. The wealth gap in this country is growing, and the policies we vote for will either narrow that gap or allow it to grow wider.

But we can vote for policies that lift up working families. We can vote to raise the minimum wage, expand worker protections, and ensure that everyone has a fair shot. Economic inequality is not inevitable—it’s the result of policies made by those in power. Let’s make sure that power works for all of us.

Topic 3: Preserving the Affordable Care Act

Now, let’s talk about healthcare. Many of us, especially young adults, rely on the Affordable Care Act for our healthcare needs. Whether it’s preventive care, prescription drugs, or mental health services, the ACA has been a lifeline for millions of people.

But it’s under attack. Every election, we face the possibility of losing the protections that allow us to stay covered, especially those of us with pre-existing conditions. This election is our chance to preserve the ACA—and ensure that healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Call to Action: Making a Plan to Vote

Voting is power, and it’s easy to use. But here’s the key—don’t wait until Election Day to figure it all out. Right now, take a moment to make a plan. Check your polling place. Find out when it opens, how you're getting there, and whether you need an ID. Is your name still on the voting rolls? These are simple steps, but they’re crucial to making sure your voice is heard.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources to help. Visit or your state’s election website to confirm your registration, find your polling location, and check your state’s ID requirements.

A Collective Future

This election is more than just a choice—it’s a chance to stand up for what matters. Women's rights. Economic fairness. Healthcare for all. These are not just issues for the future—they’re issues for right now, for us.

Your vote is your voice. Let it be heard. Make a plan. Show up. And vote like your future depends on it—because it does.

Make Your Voice Heard – Vote!


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