The Real Impact of Project 2025 on Ordinary People

Hi there! I want to talk to you about something that might not seem urgent right now but could dramatically affect your life and the lives of millions of ordinary people across this country—Project 2025. You might not have heard much about it, but it’s a political plan being pushed by powerful groups with a clear agenda. And trust me, that agenda doesn’t prioritize you, your family, or your future.

At first glance, Project 2025 might sound like just another political plan, something that’s happening far away in Washington, D.C. But if it goes into effect, it could reach right into our communities, changing the way we live, work, and learn. And not in a good way.

Let’s break it down.


Imagine you or someone you love gets sick. Right now, you might rely on affordable healthcare options through government programs like Medicaid.

Medicaid is the stop-gap program that an estimated 90 million Americans rely on for their day-to-day healthcare, including 38 million minor children.

If Project 2025 is put into effect, it would cut funding to most public health programs making it harder for people to get the care they need

It’s easy to take for granted how easily we can go to the doctor or get a prescription filled, but under Project 2025, this might become a luxury that fewer people can afford, perhaps including you.



Think about your school or the school your younger siblings or children attend. Project 2025 proposes significant cuts to public education funding, which means larger class sizes, fewer resources, and less support for students who need extra help.

For those of you planning to go to college, it could mean higher tuition costs and fewer financial aid opportunities.

To further add insult to injury, the Project would roll back student loan forgiveness efforts.

Workers' Rights

The Project would affect Worker’s Rights. Let’s talk about jobs.

Most of us rely on steady work to pay bills and support our families.

Project 2025 seeks to roll back labor protections, making it easier for big companies to cut corners at the expense of workers.

This could mean lower wages, fewer benefits, and less job security. Imagine working hard, but not being able to make ends meet or losing your job without any safety net.

The project would also reduce taxes for the wealthy while burdening middle-class and lower-income earners with the lion's share of the fiscal responsibility.

Project 2025 would make it substantially harder for ordinary people to break out of the cycle of workplace poverty.

Environmental Protections

Lastly, let’s talk about the environment—our air, our water, and our future. Project 2025 includes plans to weaken environmental regulations, allowing industries to pollute more freely. This might seem abstract, but it’s very real. It’s about the quality of the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the world you’ll live in as you grow older. If we let these protections slip away, we could be facing more natural disasters, more health problems, and a planet that’s just harder to live on.

So why should you care?

Because the decisions being made right now will shape your future.

Project 2025 is more than just a political agenda; it’s a blueprint for a country that looks out for the powerful at the expense of the ordinary. If you’re just getting started in life — starting a job, going to school, planning a future — these changes could make your journey a lot tougher.

The good news is that you have a say in this.

If you have just turned eighteen or are getting ready to vote for the first time, your voice matters.

Voting isn’t just a right; it’s a way to protect your future.

The people pushing Project 2025 are counting on you not to care, not to pay attention - and not to vote.

Project 2025 was designed back in 2022, to cater to a returning Trump administration. Donald Trump has gone a long way toward denying his involvement in that project, even releasing an agenda document of his own, that in many ways, mirrors Project 2025.

But if you act, come to the polls, and vote, you can help shape a future that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and powerful.

In closing, we urge you to consider what kind of future you want to live in.

A future where healthcare is affordable, education is accessible, jobs are fair, and the environment is protected.

That future is within your reach, but only if you take action.

Remember that Project 2025 has been founded and is promoted by far-right Republican politicians. Those politicians are counting on you to remain silently fearful for the project to take effect.

It's time to gather your courage and make your voice heard. Register to vote and check to see that you haven't been purged from your local voting rolls.

To do this, you'll need to stay informed, ask some questions and make your voice heard.

Pulling the project down is a big job and will take as many of us that we can enlist.

Thank you.


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