The Biden Administration Counters China with a New Alliance Between Japan and South Korea
South Korea and Japan have had a mutual antipathy that goes back decades, linked to Japan’s brutal colonial rule of Korea (Storey, 2021) from 1910-1945 as well as long-simmering territorial disputes in the East China Sea (2021). That has fueled such acrimony in South Korea that until relatively recently public opinion polls in the country have rated Japanese leaders only slightly more popular than North Korea’s (2013). Japan and South Korea committed to allying against China using a language of cooperation that would have been impossible just two years ago. The two countries have aligned their foreign policies and agreed to a significant expansion of bilateral security cooperation to offset China’s perceived regional threat. The two countries have also committed to defense spending increases aimed at addressing Beijing’s dramatic expansion of its military forces. The Biden Administration's foreign policy has taken a significant turn by fostering a robust trilateral al...
America's experts have known since the Nixon administration that marijuana ought to be legalized. But for political reasons, this would have been already been done. See link: