Accomplishments of the First Biden/Harris Administration

June 2024 Hello. I wish to address some concerns that have come to mind in the last few weeks. This country has been through a lot. So much so that we as a nation have taken to division and infighting. Some people have even mentioned, with varying degrees of enthusiasm the prospect of a second civil war here. Only, instead of a replay of the war dividing the country via the Mason-Dixon line starting in 1861 and ending 1865, we appear to be dividing ourselves along religious and political boundaries instead. The divisions seem to be troubling enough to warrant a separate article of its own here, which I intend to explore at another time. For right now, let us get to the business at hand. We were lucky enough to have survived one of the most destructive presidential administrations in this country’s history. After we survived the Trump era, we embraced the leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. A lot has been made of the events of the previous administration. There are other...